Get ready to celebrate Family History Month by stopping in at the Indiana State Library for some family history research! Many folks start preparing for the holidays by shopping and decorating. Others get ready to hang out with family members by jumping on their genealogy research. Whether you need to pick up where you left off, or you need to get started, October is a great month to do just that; and, the Indiana State Library has the resources to help you!
Online subscription databases, family histories, indices to county records, and cemetery books are just some of the resources we have available to get you going on your research.
So, if you’d like to get ready for the holidays and prepare for some family time by doing some genealogy research, we’d love it if you’d include us in your plans by stopping in during Family History Month to take advantage of our many resources. Actually, any month is a great month for that!
This blog post was written by Stephanie Asberry, Genealogy Collection Supervisor, Indiana State Library. For more information, contact the Genealogy Division at (317)232-3689 or “Ask-A-Librarian” at