Summer reading 2025: Color Our World!

During the summer of 2025, many public libraries across Indiana will explore all aspects of the arts through the summer reading theme “Color Our World.” This national theme, selected by the Collaborative Summer Library Program, will encourage library patrons to celebrate summer through painting, drawing, music, textile arts, theater, writing, storytelling, photography and more! If you work at a library, I’ve compiled some helpful resources to assist you with planning.

Webinar: In January of 2025, I offered a webinar that highlights the 2025 “Color Our World” program and shares a variety of resources that should help you with program planning. You can view the webinar here.

Resource website: The resources shared during the above webinar can be found on Indiana State Library’s website.

Program ideas: Library staff are always seeking new and exciting ways to offer programming for their community members, so I collected program ideas from library staff who attend my in-person summer reading workshops (these workshops take place around the state in December and January ever year) and posted them under “Summer Program Ideas for Current Year” on the State Library’s website. You can also view program ideas from past years here. Of course, you can use most of these ideas year-round!  I recommend bookmarking them in your browser for quick access.

Collaborative Summer Library Program website and manual: The CSLP Online Manual is a treasure trove of summer planning resources and program ideas, so don’t forget to browse through it! To access the manual, go to, then to “Manual Downloads,” and select “2025 Color Our World.” You’ll be prompted to enter the manual code, and once you do, you’ll have access to the artwork and manual! The online manual code was sent to directors via email in October of 2024, but Indiana public library staff may also request the code through this form through May 30, 2025.

Collaborative Summer Library Program Summer Symposium: The CSLP Summer Symposium is a national, virtual and free mini-conference that takes place in December. This year’s symposium featured a keynote from Mychal Threets and sessions on marketing summer, process art and sustainability. The recordings from the fourth annual symposium are available to watch and are eligible for one LEU per one hour session. View them here.

Summer 2025 should be a colorful celebration of the arts in our communities. I wish you all “happy planning!”

This blog post was submitted by Beth Yates, children’s consultant at the Indiana State Library.

Collaborative Summer Library Program 2018 news

It’s never too early to being thinking about Summer Reading! That’s a good thing, because the roll out of Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP) 2018 has begun.

All CSLP materials have shipped

All CSLP 2018 manuals have been shipped to all public library directors in Indiana. If you are a librarian in charge of planning summer reading at your library, make sure you check in with your director in early December if they have not yet given it to you. The manual, which is on a flash drive, and other materials will arrive in a padded envelope. These envelops were primarily sent via InfoExpress, but a few were mailed via USPS or will be hand-delivered by your Indiana State Library (ISL) regional consultant.

Also of note: You can access the manual online this year! It is improved over last year with some additional search options. It can be reached via the CSLP website. Full instructions for accessing it can be found on the card included with the manual flash drive.

CSLP 2018 training opportunities

I’ve prepared a slate of trainings at libraries around the state so I can share information about the 2018 “Libraries Rock!” theme, artwork and manual. The training will include a roundtable discussion of program ideas for all ages. Please see the bottom of this post for a complete list of locations, including a newly-added location in southwest Indiana.

Can’t make it to an in-person training? No problem! There will be a set of webinars:

Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2018
10 a.m. EST – CSLP 2018 Webinar – Early Literacy/School Age
2 p.m. EST – CSLP 2018 Webinar – Teen/Adult

Both webinars will be recorded and will be made available for viewing by the end of January.

Teen Video Challenge

The Indiana State Library and the Collaborative Summer Library Program are once again thrilled to announce our annual Teen Video Challenge!

What: A 30-to-90 second video, created by your 13-18 year old patrons, centered around their interpretation of the CSLP 2018 slogan “Libraries Rock!”

When: Videos are due to me, via YouTube link, by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2018. All originals of the paperwork should be sent to me via InfoExpress or USPS and postmarked no later than Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2018.

Why should we participate? Your teens will learn so much! They’ll gain technical skills like writing, planning, shooting and editing and they’ll learn incredibly important social and emotional skills like working in groups, communicating and thinking creatively. Plus, it’s fun!

Is there a prize? This year the creator of one Indiana entry will win $100 and the teen’s public library will receive a prize worth $50 from Upstart. Indiana entries competeonly against each other, which increases the chances of winning. Tell your teens about it today!

Complete list of CSLP in-person trainings

All trainings can be signed up for via ISL’s Events Calendar and all trainings are from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Eastern Time, unless otherwise noted.

Friday, Dec. 8, 2017
New Carlisle-Olive Township Public Library
408 S. Bray, New Carlisle, IN 46552

Friday, Dec. 15, 2017
Ohio Township Public Library – Bell Road Branch
4111 Lakeshore Dr, Newburgh, IN 47630
(Note: Newburgh is on Central Time; training will run 10 a.m.- 12 p.m. Central/11 a.m.- 1 p.m. Eastern)

Monday, Dec. 18, 2017
Huntington City-Township Public Library
255 W Park Dr, Huntington, IN 46750

Friday, Jan. 5, 2018
Madison-Jefferson County Public Library – Main Branch
420 West Main Street, Madison, IN 47250

Friday, Jan. 12, 2018
Washington Carnegie Public Library
300 West Main St., Washington, IN 47501

Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2018
Johnson County Public Library – White River Branch
1664 Library Blvd., Greenwood, IN  46142

Friday, Jan. 26, 2018
Kokomo-Howard County Public Library – Main Branch
220 N. Union St., Kokomo IN 46901

Thursday, Feb. 8, 2018
Morrisson-Reeves Public Library
80 North 6th Street, Richmond, IN 47374

Monday, Feb. 26, 2018
Vigo County Public Library – Main Branch
One Library Square, Terre Haute, IN 47807

Friday, March 16, 2018
Pulaski County Public Library
121 S. Riverside Dr., Winamac, IN 46996

This blog post was written by Beth Yates, children’s consultant for the Indiana State Library.