What exactly is the Indiana State Data Center Program?

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Indiana’s State Data Center is a partnership between the U.S. Census Bureau, the State of Indiana, and several Indiana-based Affiliate organizations. The agreement for the program has been in place since 1978 and ensures public access to data and training for state agencies, academics, non-profits, non-government organizations, and the public. We use historical and current sources to answer statistical requests from around the world and provide training on site and online.

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The Indiana State Library houses the State Data Center’s historical collection of original Census volumes, statistical resources from Indiana government agencies, U.S. and Indiana demographic materials, and much more. We also work closely with the Indiana Business Research Center @ IU’s Kelley School of Business, Indiana’s Department of Workforce Development, and the Indiana Geographic Information Council. Together with these organizations, we help provide the public with access to the most recent data from national, state, and local sources.

Where do I find the data online?

Check out these websites!

Indiana State Data Center Program, Indiana State Library

Statistics by Topic, Indiana State Library: A comprehensive list of data sources

StatsIndiana: Population and Demographic Data for Indiana

Hoosiers by the Numbers: Labor, Workforce, and Employment Data for Indiana

Data.gov: Open data for the U.S.

We’re on social media too. Interact with us online!


U.S. Census Bureau: https://www.facebook.com/uscensusbureau/
U.S. State Data Center Network: https://www.facebook.com/censusSDC
Indiana State Data Center Program: https://www.facebook.com/insdc/ 


U.S. Census Bureau: https://twitter.com/uscensusbureau
U.S. State Data Center Network: https://twitter.com/censusSDC
Indiana State Data Center Program: https://twitter.com/INsdc 


State Data Center (SDC) Clearinghouse:


Indiana State Data Center Program: https://www.pinterest.com/insdc/